The gauze screen is used vertically, so less space is lost in the performance area as there is no need for a 45° mirror and a stage pit with projection screen. Use PepperScrim for both front and rear holographic projections. Attach it to a truss, lighting bar or frame and you are ready to amaze your audience! Tensioning the gauze on all 4 sides and using the right projector are key to obtain the best results with this 3D projection screen. It's the perfect holographic projection screen material and can be set up in no time. PepperScrim is extremely lightweight and foldable and therefore very easy to transport. That’s where PepperScrim comes in! This highly transparent gauze has an exceptional width of 7m, allowing impressively large and seamless hologram projections on a scrim.

Imagine a hologram that looks so real that 3D objects appear to float in mid-air or surround a performer on stage.

Highly transparent and extra-wide metallic scrim for large scale 3D hologram effects.