The switches will be green when the features are enabled. You can turn them on by going Settings > General > Software Update > Automatic Updates and making sure both download and install options are turned on. You'll need to turn both turned on to download and install new updates overnight. There are actually two different options for automatic updates in iOS 14 and above, one for just downloading the update and one for installing the update. Make sure the Automatic Updates feature is enabled Here are some troubleshooting tips you can try if you're experiencing issues with your iPhone automatically updating overnight. Its important to keep your device operating system updated so that youre always. Even on the latest devices like the iPhone 14 Pro, this can happen. This has happened to me multiple times, and I've woken up in the morning only to say, "Why won't my iPhone automatically install updates overnight?" I wish I could tell you that I have a silver bullet solution for you, but unfortunately, I still sometimes have issues downloading and installing updates automatically.