To control the LED and fan using Home Assistant and Node-RED, the first thing that we need to do is make some changes to the configuration.yaml file. Integrating LED & Fan connected to Pi GPIO with Home Assistant

Components Required for Home Automation using Node-RED If you are a beginner you can follow our previous getting started guides for Home Assistant and Node-Red. But before starting, you need to make sure that you already have home assistant up and running. In this tutorial, I am going to use Node-RED in conjunction with Home Assistant to build a Home Automation System. Setting up Node-RED with Home Assistant is very simple and it takes only few minutes. Node-RED allows flow-based automations are significantly more powerful and user-friendly. This is where the strengths of Node-RED naturally complement those of Home Assistant.

Home Assistant’s main power is its ability to interface and control any smart device existing at the moment. The main method of creating automation in Home Assistant is by using YAML files for automation but it is complicated and can be intimidating for any beginner. Ever wondered why do you need Node-RED with Home Assistant? It looks like that both Home Assistant and Node-RED do the same things but they excel in different areas.